Monday, May 4, 2009

some scattered thoughts

Yes, it's early in the morning, and no, I haven't slept. The sickness that I have aquired has kept me awake, coughing, blowing my nose, hacking, more coughing, spitting up phglem, you know, all the good stuff.

Spring is definitely here in Bethel. In the same way that when I left for Bioneers, when I came back fall had turned to winter, when I came back from Folk Fest, winter had turned to spring. I think it just had a lot to do with not being around the changing weather for a few days, and then the change felt very dramatic.

But spring means that the ice is melting, the temp is warming (I wore flip flops yesterday!) and the dust is all over again. All of a sudden, last summer seems like it just happened. Like we just had a six month hiatus from real life covered in ice and snow, and now everything is melting, and we're back to reality again.

The sunlight is also here again - staying light outside until late into the night. It makes it really hard to have any concept of what time it is in the evening, but it's nice for it to still be light outside until 10 or 11pm. I will certainly miss that when I leave...

...and speaking of leaving...I'll know for certain tomorrow (hopefully) and when I do, I'll post a blog. The future. It's scary and exciting at the same time, but when is it not?

Love, Bethy

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