Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm employed! ... clearly, somebody thought I had some skills.

More specifically, that would be an organization called the Tundra Women's Coalition, a domestic violence/sexual assualt shelter. I'm going to be working part of my time with the Children's Program (doing after school work with them, one on ones with kids, writing skits and working with teens to perform them about teen dating violence, and much much more), and part of the time with the Children's Advocacy Center, which is a center specifically for children and their families when there has been a suspician of child sexual abuse. For them, I'm going to be working with the children, and especially the families. Plus, there are a bunch of other side projects that I'm going to be picking up here and there...

I'm super excited. A little intimidated, yes, but excited.

...Figures that I'd get a social-justicy job like that, huh? :)
(and yes, they are paying me...quite, well, alright, considering that a gallon of milk is $9.49 at the grocery store, and that price rises as the winter comes.)


1 comment:

Amber said...

Awesome. Congratulations!